Relations management

Create, edit and delete relations

You need to be given explicit access to manage relations.
Managed roles having this permission: System admin, PIM Admin and PIM write.

Add new relation

Update existing relation

Delete relation 

Add new relation

  • Go to Settings from the left menu navigation, select the Relations
  • To create new relation, click on the Add new relation


  • Enter the required information for the relation as follows to add new relation; 
    • Direction – there are two types of direction as follows;
      • One-way – A one-directional relation is visible for the products on one side of the relation.


      • Two-way – A two-directional relation is visible for the products on both sides of the relation. Add a description for each opposite direction.


    • Name – the name of a relation
    • Reverse relation – the name of the other side of the relation (This field will be displayed when the user has created a relation in a "Two-way" direction)
    • Description – the description of a relation
    • Number – the number of relations to identifying relations externally, in import and integration. (Similar to Product Number, Attribute Number, etc.)
  • After filling in all the required information, click the Save button to create a new relation.

Update existing relation

  • Each existing relation can be updated by selecting the preferred relation. The relation detail right panel is open. Click on the Edit button.


  • Open the Edit Relation page to update relation information, then click on the Save button.


  • The message is displayed after updated relation information.


 Delete relation

  • To delete an existing relation, the mouse hovers over the selected relation and clicks on Delete relation (bin icon)


  • A confirmation message informs before the relations are deleted.
  • Click on the Delete button to delete the relation.



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