Attribute types in Public API

Here is a list of all attribute types in Bluestone PIM and example values you can get on a product. The example values are fetched from the "attributes" list object of the product model.

Boolean     Column     Date     Date and time     Decimal     Dictionary     

Formatted Text     Integer     Matrix     MultiSelect     Multiline     Regular Expression     

Single Select    Compound     Text     Time


Datatype in PAPI: boolean


  "id": "60869a7c6b2f07000cacff73",

  "name": "Boolean attribute example",

  "number": "boolean-attribute-example-code",

  "groupName": "Attribute group example",

  "dataType": "boolean",

  "values": [



  "select": [],

  "dictionary": [],

  "column": [],

  "matrix": [],

  "unit": null,

  "groupNumber": "attribute_group_example",

  "valueType": null,

  "definingAttribute": null


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Datatype in PAPI: column


  "id": "60869a9152faff000cd1ab15",

  "name": "Column attribute example",

  "number": "column-attribute-example-code",

  "groupName": "Attribute group example",

  "dataType": "column",

  "values": [],

  "select": [],

  "dictionary": [],

  "column": [


      "id": "60869a9152faff000cd1ab14",

      "name": "First",

      "value": "First cell"



      "id": "60869a9a52faff000cd1ab16",

      "name": "Second",

      "value": "Second cell"



  "matrix": [],

  "unit": null,

  "groupNumber": "attribute_group_example",

  "valueType": null,

  "definingAttribute": null


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Datatype in PAPI: date


  "id": "5ed60e4952faff000f4b46cc",

  "name": "Date attribute example",

  "number": "date-attribute-example-code",

  "groupName": "Attribute group example",

  "dataType": "date",

  "values": [



  "select": [],

  "dictionary": [],

  "column": [],

  "matrix": [],

  "unit": null,

  "groupNumber": "attribute_group_example",

  "valueType": null,

  "definingAttribute": null


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Date and time

Datatype in PAPI:  date_time


  "id": "5ed60e57d60180000c280b5f",

  "name": "Datetime attribute example",

  "number": "datetime-attribute-example-code",

  "groupName": "Attribute group example",

  "dataType": "date_time",

  "values": [

    "2020-01-01 9:00:00"


  "select": [],

  "dictionary": [],

  "column": [],

  "matrix": [],

  "unit": null,

  "groupNumber": "attribute_group_example",

  "valueType": null,

  "definingAttribute": null


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Datatype in PAPI:  decimal


  "id": "60869af452faff000cd1ab17",

  "name": "Decimal attribute example",

  "number": "decimal-attribute-example-code",

  "groupName": "Attribute group example",

  "dataType": "decimal",

  "values": [



  "select": [],

  "dictionary": [],

  "column": [],

  "matrix": [],

  "unit": null,

  "groupNumber": "attribute_group_example",

  "valueType": null,

  "definingAttribute": null


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Datatype in PAPI:  dictionary


  "id": "5f59cf80cff47e000c2ea630",

  "name": "Dictionary attribute example",

  "number": "dictionary-attribute-example-code",

  "groupName": "Attribute group example",

  "dataType": "dictionary",

  "values": [],

  "select": [],

  "dictionary": [


      "id": "5f59cf80d60180000cb8c29d",

      "number": "first-code",

      "value": "First"



      "id": "5f59cf80d60180000cb8c29c",

      "number": "second-code",

      "value": "Second"



  "column": [],

  "matrix": [],

  "unit": null,

  "groupNumber": "attribute_group_example",

  "valueType": null,

  "definingAttribute": null


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Formatted Text

Datatype in PAPI:  formatted_text
Content type can be either Markdown or HTML. Example below is using Markdown.


      "id": "5e60fdf452faff000e4d0882",

      "name": "Formatted text attribute example",

      "number": "formatted-text-attribute-example",

      "groupName": "Attribute group A",

      "dataType": "formatted_text",

      "values": [

        "# Header example\n\nExample with **bold** and _italic_.\n\n  \nIt also has a bullet list.\n\n- List item 1\n- List item 2"


      "select": [],

      "dictionary": [],

      "column": [],

      "matrix": [],

      "unit": null,

      "groupNumber": "attribute_group_a",

      "valueType": null,

      "definingAttribute": null


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Datatype in PAPI: integer


  "id": "5e0dc0b5cff47e000cd5c9d1",

  "name": "Integer attribute example",

  "number": "integer-attribute-example-code",

  "groupName": "Attribute group example",

  "dataType": "integer",

  "values": [



  "select": [],

  "dictionary": [],

  "column": [],

  "matrix": [],

  "unit": null,

  "groupNumber": "attribute_group_example",

  "valueType": null,

  "definingAttribute": null


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Datatype in PAPI: matrix


  "id": "60869b2b6b2f07000cacff77",

  "name": "Matrix attribute example",

  "number": "matrix-attribute-example-code",

  "groupName": "Attribute group example",

  "dataType": "matrix",

  "values": [],

  "select": [],

  "dictionary": [],

  "column": [],

  "matrix": [


      "id": "60869b2b6b2f07000cacff76",

      "name": "First column",

      "rows": [


          "id": "60869b2b6b2f07000cacff75",

          "name": "First row",

          "value": "First cell"



          "id": "60869b4c6b2f07000cacff78",

          "name": "Second row",

          "value": "Third cell"





      "id": "60869b4c6b2f07000cacff79",

      "name": "Second column",

      "rows": [


          "id": "60869b2b6b2f07000cacff75",

          "name": "First row",

          "value": "Second cell"



          "id": "60869b4c6b2f07000cacff78",

          "name": "Second row",

          "value": "Fourth cell"





  "unit": null,

  "groupNumber": "attribute_group_example",

  "valueType": null,

  "definingAttribute": null


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Datatype in PAPI:  multi_select


  "id": "5db038d4590801000caa534e",

  "name": "Multi select attribute example",

  "number": "multi-select-attribute-example-code",

  "groupName": "Attribute group example",

  "dataType": "multi_select",

  "values": [

    "Value A",

    "Value B"


  "select": [


      "id": "5db038d4590801000caa534a",

      "value": "Value A",

      "number": "value-a-code",

      "metadata": null



      "id": "5db038d4590801000caa534b",

      "value": "Value B",

      "number": "value-b-code",

      "metadata": null



  "dictionary": [],

  "column": [],

  "matrix": [],

  "unit": null,

  "groupNumber": "attribute_group_example",

  "valueType": null,

  "definingAttribute": null


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Datatype in PAPI:  multiline


  "id": "60869b626b2f07000cacff7a",

  "name": "Multiline attribute example",

  "number": "multiline-attribute-example-code",

  "groupName": "Attribute group example",

  "dataType": "multiline",

  "values": [

    "This text has \nmultiple lines."


  "select": [],

  "dictionary": [],

  "column": [],

  "matrix": [],

  "unit": null,

  "groupNumber": "attribute_group_example",

  "valueType": null,

  "definingAttribute": null


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Regular Expression

Datatype in PAPI:  pattern


  "id": "60869b796b2f07000cacff7b",

  "name": "Regular Expression attribute example",

  "number": "regular-expression-attribute-example-code",

  "groupName": "Attribute group example",

  "dataType": "pattern",

  "values": [

    "Text that must match a regular expression."


  "select": [],

  "dictionary": [],

  "column": [],

  "matrix": [],

  "unit": null,

  "groupNumber": "attribute_group_example",

  "valueType": null,

  "definingAttribute": null


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Single Select

Datatype in PAPI:  single_select


  "id": "5db038fcd60180000cf9851e",

  "name": "Single select attribute example",

  "number": "single-select-attribute-example-code",

  "groupName": "Attribute group example",

  "dataType": "single_select",

  "values": [

    "Value A"


  "select": [


      "id": "5db038fcd60180000cf9851c",

      "value": "Value A",

      "number": "value-a-code",

      "metadata": null



  "dictionary": [],

  "column": [],

  "matrix": [],

  "unit": null,

  "groupNumber": "attribute_group_example",

  "valueType": null,

  "definingAttribute": null


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Datatype in PAPI:  text


  "id": "60869ac96b2f07000cacff74",

  "name": "Compund attribute example",

  "number": "compund-attribute-example-code",

  "groupName": "Attribute group example",

  "dataType": "text",

  "values": [

    "42 Example text"


  "select": [],

  "dictionary": [],

  "column": [],

  "matrix": [],

  "unit": null,

  "groupNumber": "attribute_group_example",

  "valueType": null,

  "definingAttribute": null


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Datatype in PAPI:  text


  "id": "5da7254de21b84000c6ed075",

  "name": "Text attribute example",

  "number": "text-attribute-example-code",

  "groupName": "Attribute group example",

  "dataType": "text",

  "values": [

    "Example text"


  "select": [],

  "dictionary": [],

  "column": [],

  "matrix": [],

  "unit": null,

  "groupNumber": "attribute_group_example",

  "valueType": null,

  "definingAttribute": null


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Datatype in PAPI:  time


  "id": "60869a0d6b2f07000cacff72",

  "name": "Time attribute example",

  "number": "time-attribute-example-code",

  "groupName": "Attribute group example",

  "dataType": "time",

  "values": [



  "select": [],

  "dictionary": [],

  "column": [],

  "matrix": [],

  "unit": null,

  "groupNumber": "attribute_group_example",

  "valueType": null,

  "definingAttribute": null


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