Query builder: We have introduced a query builder for our users who need to put together advanced conditions for filtering products. The query builder is available from the 'Filters' tab within 'Products'.
Rules engine: A new full page plugin is available for setting up automation rules. In this version you can set up rules for automatically assigning products to categories. The Query builder can be used to set up conditions to filter which products a rule shall apply to.
Dictionary values filter: We have made it possible for you to define that only a subset of dictionary attribute values should be available for the user based on the value of another dictionary attribute (parent) on the same product. This can be configured in 'Attributes'.
Webhook: New separate webhook events are available for receiving a notification when there are changes for attributes on Product:
Attribute value changed on product.
Attribute assigned to product.
Attribute unassigned from product
Webhook: New separate webhook events are available for receiving a notification when there are updates on a Catalog/Category:
Name, Number or Description.
Category Level Attributes.
Catalog/category has been moved in tree structure.
Catalog/category has been added or removed.
Webhook: A new webhook event is available for receiving a notification when quantity in a bundle changes.
Webhook: Context is added to webhook events.
Webhook: For 'Changes for relations' events, we have added a 'reverse' flag indicating whether this is a reverse relation or not.
API: New endpoint created for showing list of products filtered by asset ids with details from given views: POST /products/list/views/by-assets.
CSV/Excel import: We have increased the speed with focus on importing products to be added to categories having many CLAs.
Products: Default view type for new users is set to 'List' (without thumbnails).
Completeness score: Compound, matrix and column attribute types are not taken into account when it comes to completeness requirements and score calculation.
API: Endpoint GET {entity Type}/group/entity is set as deprecated.
API: Restored a deprecated endpoint GET /products/{id}.