Bluestone PIM Release 54
November 21st, 2023 - Highlights
New features
- Query builder: We are now supporting operators 'value is defined' and 'value is not defined' when adding conditions for 'Name' and 'Description'.
- Product Filters: Now it's possible to use operators 'value is defined' and 'value is not defined' when filtering by 'Name' and 'Description'.
- Rules engine: You are now allowed to create a rule for removing attribute values.
- Products: When navigating to a new product when the Attributes tab is open, the system remembers which attribute groups you have expanded/collapsed.
- Products: The products grid is now loading faster.
- Products: We have made it easier for users to see which attributes are editable and not.
- Sync report: Improved presentation of product name and number.
- Export: It's now possible for restricted users to export product data.
- Bulk edit: The 'bulk edit attributes' feature has been redesigned.