You must be given explicit permission to manage completeness requirements.
Managed roles having access: System admin and PIM admin.
Create a completeness requirement
Edit a completeness requirement
Apply a completeness requirement to catalog/category
Create a completeness requirement
Do the following to create a new completeness requirement:
- Go to Settings from the left menu navigation, select Completeness requirements
- To create new completeness requirements, click on the + icon in the top right.
- First, select the Requirement type from the drop-down list.
- Added to category
- Attribute with a value assigned
- Associated attributes with values assigned
- Attributes in a group with values assigned
- Assets with a specific label
- Images with labels and minimum dimensions
- Relations of given type
- Images with label and minimum DPI
- Images with label and clipping path or transparency
- Then you can apply requirements by two options; To all products or specific categories.
- All products - Apply the requirement to all products.
- Specific categories - Apply the requirement to products residing in specific catalogs/categories.
- Select one/more catalogs/categories and click Done.
- Click Save.

- You can edit the completeness requirement or delete it at any time.
Edit a completeness requirement
Do the following to edit an existing requirement:
- Go to Settings | Completeness requirements.
- Click the requirement you want to edit.
The Details panel is opened. - Edit any details including assigning/unassigning catalogs/categories.
Note! The requirement type cannot be edited. Please create a new requirement to cater to this need.
Apply a completeness requirement to catalog/category
Do the following to apply a requirement to products residing in a catalog/category:
- Go to Settings | Completeness requirements.
- Click the completeness requirement you want to edit.
The Details panel is opened. - Go to the Catalogs and categories tab.
- Click the plus icon (Manage catalogs and categories):
- Select which catalogs/categories to apply the requirement to:
- Click Save changes.
To unassign a catalog/category, hover over the relevant catalog/category and click the X button:
Click Remove in the pop-up to confirm the operation: