Find a dictionary option

The dictionary attribute contains a list of options. Each option has an ID, a number and a value. This article explains how to find a dictionary option using the Management API

Lookup dictionary options



Request body

   "filters": [
               "values": [
               "type": "NUMBER_IN"
    "page": 0,
    "pageSize": 20

The filters parameter is optional. Use it to search for option numbers with type NUMBER_IN or option id's with type ID_IN. 

If the filters parameter is omitted, the endpoint will return all dictionary options. Paginate through the results using page and pageSize parameters.

Response body

  "data": [
      "id": "5f59cf80d60180000cb8c29d",
      "lastUpdate": 1599721344415,
      "createdDate": 1599721344415,
      "definitionId": "5f59cf80cff47e000c2ea630",
    "number": "option-1",
      "value": {
        "value": {
        "en": "First option"
      "id": "5f59cf80d60180000cb8c29c",
      "lastUpdate": 1599721344413,
      "createdDate": 1599721344413,
      "definitionId": "5f59cf80cff47e000c2ea630",
    "number": "option-3",
      "value": {
        "value": {
        "en": "Third option"

The response will contain all information about each matching option. The id parameter is the option id, while the definitionId is the id of the dictionary attribute.

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