Use product bulk actions

After importing products into your catalogs, you have the power to enrich multiple products using Bluestone PIM's bulk actions. This allows you to efficiently make changes and updates to a large number of products all at once, saving you time and effort.

With Bluestone PIM's bulk actions, you can easily perform tasks such as changing the status of multiple products, exporting a selection of products, editing categories, and modifying attributes. These actions are particularly useful when you need to make widespread changes to your product catalog.

Role Access (Managed roles):
System Admin, PIM Admin, PIM Write, or PIM Read.

Read more about access management here.

Change product status      Export      Edit categories  

Edit attributes (V2)        Create variant group     Add labels    Add task

Edit attributes (V1)

Once you've finished working on your data model and imported products into your catalogs, you have the ability to enhance multiple products at once through the use of bulk actions. This feature allows you to efficiently make changes and updates to a large number of products, saving you valuable time and effort.

  • Navigate to Products in the left main navigation bar.
  • To easily find the products you want to edit, you have the option to use the filter, catalog, or category structure. This allows you to quickly create a list of the products you need to work on, making the editing process more efficient and organized.
  • Select products using the checkbox on the top left of the grid; you can deselect individual products by unchecking their boxes. Or manually select each product. 

  • Available bulk actions:

Change product status

You can easily change the product status of multiple products.

  • Select the products you want to change the status on. 
  • Click on the Change status option, and select the status you want to update products to. 

  • You will get feedback on the status of the bulk update.

Please note: You can update products with different product statuses. 

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Bulk export

  • Select the products you want to export
  • Click on the Export option; a pop-up will appear. 
  • Enter the export file name and context, and choose the format (CSV/XLSX).

  • Click Generate file button to export, then download the file or download it later from Import and export.

  • To download the export, navigate to Import and export, hover over the file, click the more options button, then Download the file.

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Edit categories 
  • Select the products you want to re-assign categories on. 
  • Click on the Edit categories option; the existing categories will be shown with a dash icon, and new updates will be shown with a checkmark.
  • Click on Save Changes to update the changes to the selected products. 

Tip! If you have multiple catalogs structures for different consuming channels, products can be in multiple catalogs. 

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Edit Attributes (V2)

The "Edit Attributes" feature offers an intuitive way to determine if selected products already have attributes and values associated with them. This enhances the attribute editing process, making it more transparent and streamlined.

Here is a guide on how to navigate the 'Edit Attributes' feature:  

  • Access the product list: 
    • Navigate to Products in the left main navigation bar.
    • To identify the products you wish to edit, make use of the filter, catalog, or category structure options. 

    • Once your list is ready, select the products using the checkbox situated at the top left of the grid. Should you wish to deselect any products, simply uncheck their respective boxes. You also have the option to manually select each product if preferred.
    • After your product selection, click on Edit.

    • From the dropdown, choose the Attributes option.
    • Then the Attributes Modal will open. Here you can: 
      • Add Attributes: Assign new attributes to products that currently do not have any.
      • Set Attribute Values: Specify or change the value for an existing attribute across selected products.
      • Remove Attributes: Eliminate attributes from the selected products if necessary. 

  • Adding an Attribute:
    • To add an attribute to all chosen products, click on the + icon in the upper right. 

      Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 12-10-50-png
    • Locate the attribute you wish to modify by using the search function within the Attributes Modal.

      Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 12-28-54-png

    • Click on the attribute to select it.
    • Enter the attribute type and assign a value (if applicable). 

      Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 12-12-07-png
    • Click the + icon in the right hand corner to add more attributes
    • You can at any time delete the attribute by clicking the x icon on the right. 

      Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 12.04.19
    • Then click, Apply changes, this will apply the attribute to all selected items in one action.
    • This is a way to quickly associate the same attribute with multiple products.

  • Setting Value of an Attribute:
    • Use this option to modify the value of an existing attribute.
    • Click on the drop-down menu, and choose Set value of

    • Then find the attribute you want to change.

      Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 12-13-33-png
    • This new value will replace the current one for all selected products where the attribute is present.
    • Confirm your changes, and the new value will override the existing value for the chosen attribute across all selected products.

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Create variant group

  • Click on the Check icon, and select the single products you want to add to a new variant group.
  • Then click on Create variant group.

  • Enter a Group Name and number, then click Save.

  • Then the products are changed from singles to variants in a variant group.

  • The variant group will also show in the product grid. 


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Add product labels

  • Click on the Check icon, and select the single products you want to add labels to. 
  • Then click on Add labels.

  • Enter a new Label or choose an existing label. Then click Ok.

Tip! Product labels are efficient to filter while working on a specific product type. 

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Add Task

  • Click on the Check icon, and select the products you want to link to a new task.
  • Then click on Add task

  • Enter a name, assignee, description, context, due date, and type of task. 
  • Then click Link to the new task, and the task will be linked to the products.

  • Find the task on each product panel in the Tasks tab or Tasks in the menu. 

Edit Attributes (V1 - Deprecated)


It is possible to change several attributes of multiple products simultaneously, including adding new attributes, removing attributes, and changing the attribute values. 

  • The attributes are separated into two groups:
    • attributes shared by all of the selected products
    • attributes that are only shared by some of the products

  • Select the products you want to edit attributes on. 
  • Click on the Edit attributes option and the arrow to show which products are selected.

Tip! Bulk updating attributes are helpful for products that contain the same attributes or the same values. 

  • Click the  icon to remove an attribute. This field will turn red; you can undo the action by clicking the arrow. 
  • Click on the  icon in the right corner to add an attribute. The added field will turn green. 
  • Hover over the attribute information field to edit the value inline. The changed field will turn yellow; undo the action by clicking the arrow. 

  • Click on Ok to save the attribute changes. 

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