Product status and publishing workflow

Swiftly publish, unpublish or archive products

A product's status indicates whether its information is available in Public API (PAPI) and can thus be published in your channels. Newly created products have status Draft. Only Published products are accessible via the Public API. Keep in mind that products cannot be permanently deleted. An archived product can be restored at any time.

Note: When performing specific workflow actions, the product will be in a temporary transition state indicated by a red dot.

The different statuses and transitions are explained in the following table:

Icon Status Description


Initial status. The product is not ready for publishing yet. Will not be handled by the Sync process, and will therefore not be made available in PAPI.


Draft → Published

The product is ready for publishing. Will be available in PAPI and get status Published once Sync is performed.



The product is published, and therefore available in PAPI.


Published → Draft

The product is published, but will be removed from PAPI and get status Draft once Sync is performed.

Archived draft

The product is archived and not available in PAPI. The product can be restored if required.

Publish products

Publishing a product means that the product information will be made available in the Public API. You can publish products one-by-one, or in bulk. See the following sections for details.

Publish a single product

To publish a draft product, either click the status arrow button from the grid or Details panel and select Publish:

The icon of the selected product will now be updated with a red dot, reflecting that a Sync needs to be performed before the new status takes effect.

If you need the product to be available in PAPI as soon as possible, you will need to perform a Sync. Please see Sync/publish product information for details.

Publish multiple products

To publish a set of draft products in one operation, do the following:

  1. Select the relevant draft products from the grid.

    Tip! See Find relevant products  on how to use the Filters or Query builder to locate your products.

  2. Select Change status from the menu above the grid:

  3. Select Publish.

The icon of the selected products will now be updated with a red dot reflecting that a Sync needs to be performed before the product is published and thus available in PAPI.

Note: The update process might take a while, depending on the amount of products selected. The progress of large bulk operations can be viewed in the System monitor.

If you need the products to be available in PAPI as soon as possible, you will need to perform a Sync. Please see Sync/publish product information for details.


Unpublish products

Unpublishing a product means that the product information will no longer be available in the Public API. You can unpublish products one-by-one, or in bulk. See the following sections for details.

Unpublish a single product

To unpublish a published product, either click the status arrow button from the grid or Details panel and select Change to draft:

The icon of the selected product will now be updated with a red dot reflecting that a Sync needs to be performed before the product is unpublished and thus no longer available in PAPI.

If you need the product to be made unavailable in PAPI as soon as possible, you will need to perform a Sync. Please see Sync/publish product information for details.

Unpublish multiple products

To unpublish a set of published products in one operation, do the following:

  1. Select the relevant published products from the grid.

    Tip! See Find relevant products  on how to use the Filters or Query builder to locate your products.

  2. Select Change status from the menu above the grid:

  3. Select Change to draft.
The icon of the selected products will now be updated with a red dot reflecting that a Sync needs to be performed before the products are unpublished and thus no longer available in PAPI.

Note: The update process might take a while, depending on the amount of products selected. The progress of large bulk operations can be viewed in the System monitor.

If you need the products to be made unavailable in PAPI as soon as possible, you will need to perform a Sync. Please see Sync/publish product information for details.


Archive products

Products that are no longer part of your portfolio should be archived. Archived products are moved out from the normal Products grid.

To view archived products, click Browsing settings on the right hand side above the grid and select Browse archived products:

Note! Only products in status Draft (in all contexts) can be archived. If a published product should be archived, first unpublish it by changing the status to Draft and then perform a Sync.

Archive a single product

To archive a single draft product, you can click the 3-dots menu in the Details panel and select Archive

The following warning is presented:

Click Archive in the presented pop-up to confirm the operation. 
The selected product is now moved to the archive. It can be found and optionally restored by browsing archived products, see Archive products.

Note! When archiving a 'Variant' it will be changed to type 'Single'. Thus, if later restored, it needs to be re-connected to the 'Variant group', if relevant.

Archive multiple products

To archive a set of draft products in one operation, do the following:

  1. Select the relevant draft products from the grid.

    Tip! See Find relevant products  on how to use the Filters or Query builder to locate your products.

  2. Select Archive from the menu above the grid:

  3. Click Archive in the presented pop-up to confirm the operation: 

The selected products are now moved to the archive. They can be found and optionally restored by browsing archived products, see Archive products.

Restore archived products

To restore one/more archived products, do the following:

  1. Click Browsing settings on the right hand side above the grid and select Browse archived products.
  2. Select the relevant products from the grid.

    Tip! See Find relevant products  on how to use the Filters or Query builder to locate your products.

  3. Select Unarchive from the menu above the grid:

The selected products have now been moved back to the normal Products grid, and can be found by deselecting Browse archived products.

Note! When a 'Variant' is archived it is changed to type 'Single'. Thus, if restoring such a product, it needs to be re-connected to the 'Variant group', if relevant.