Add or update multiple attributes for a product

How to add or update multiple attributes for a product in one request using Management API

Bluestone PIM has several attribute types that can be added to a product.

Read more about attributes in Bluestone PIM.

This endpoint to update multiple attributes supports all types except column and matrix.



Add multiple attributes to a product

Use the Bluestone product GUID as the {id} in the request. See this article if you need to find the id.

Request body

        "definitionId": "5da7254de21b84000c6ed075",
        "value": "Example of a text value"
        "definitionId": "5f59cf80cff47e000c2ea630",
        "dictionaryValueIds": [
        "definitionId": "5db038d4590801000caa534e",
        "selectValueIds": [

In this example request, three attributes are added to the product. Each attribute has a definitionId, see this article if you need to find the id

The first attribute in this request is a simple text type where the value can be set as a string. 

The second attribute is a dictionary type. This requires a list of dictionary option id's

The third attribute is a multi select type. This requires a list of select option id's which can be found in the attribute definition


If successful, this will result in a 204 - No Content response. 

The request will fail with a 400 - Bad Request if there is anything wrong with the format or content of the body. In that case, no attributes will be added or updated for the product. 

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