Create, edit or remove attributes

 You need to be given explicit access to manage attributes.              

Managed roles having access to create, edit and remove attributes:
System admin, PIM admin and PIM write.


Create an attribute group    Edit an attribute group    Delete an attribute group

Create an attribute definition  Edit an attribute definition  Delete an attribute definition



To access the attribute definitions, go to Settings and select Attributes:

Attributes are normally structured into groups to make management and enrichment easier. See the following section. 

Create an attribute group

Attribute groups are created for grouping attributes that logically belong together. Using groups will make management and enrichment easier when you have a large number of attributes.

If no attribute groups are created, all attributes will be added to the Others group.

Do the following to create a group:

  1. Click the plus icon (Add group) in the left panel. 

  2. Write a name and click the green check mark (Confirm).

The attribute group is now added and attributes can be assigned to it. The group is automatically given a Number which can be edited if required.

Edit an attribute group

You can edit a group by clicking it from the left panel. Click the Name or Number field in the details panel to edit the value.

Delete an attribute group

You can remove a group by hovering and clicking the trashbin (Delete) icon. Click Delete in the pop-up to confirm removal.

Note: When removing a group having attributes assigned, the attributes will be moved to the Unassigned section:


Create an attribute definition

Perform the following steps to create a new attribute:

  1. Click the plus icon (Add attribute definition) in the upper right corner.

  2. The following page is presented:

  3. Specify the attribute Name.
  4. If required, specify a unique Number. If not specified, a number will be generated by the system.
  5. Add a Description of the attribute.

    Tip! The Description will be presented as a tooltip when the attribute field is hovered during product enrichment, and can therefore be of great value to the user.

  6. Select which Group the new attribute should belong to.
    Please see Create an attribute group for more information.
  7. Select the Source of this information. Either this information is maintained in Bluestone PIM or an External system. In the latter case, attribute values will not be editable bu users in Bluestone PIM.
  8. Select the Availability of this information. Either it should be available For all channels or Internal only. In the latter case, attribute values will not be synced to PAPI/published.
  9. Select Attribute type
    We are using Single select in our example.
  10. Depending on the attribute type, enter any required information.
    For Single select, specify the Value type Text or Color.
    We are using Color in our example.
  11. If you are creating a select attribute (Dictionary, Multiselect or Single select), add relevant values.

    Please see Attribute types for detailed information about each attribute definition type.
  12. Click Save when you are done.
Now the attribute is ready to be added to relevant products.

Edit an attribute definition

Important! Make sure that there will be no negative consequences before changing existing attribute values.

When you e.g. need to add a new definition value to a multi-select attribute, do the following:

  1. Find the relevant attribute definition e.g. by opening the relevant group from the left panel or by searching by clicking the magnifying glass (search) in the upper right corner.
  2. Click the relevant attribute from the grid to open the details panel.
  3. Click the Pencil icon (Edit).  

    The definition details are presented in a separate page.
  4. Make the required changes.
  5. Click Save when you are done.
Delete an attribute definition

Warning! Deleting an attribute definition will result in the attribute being removed from any product it is assigned to. In addition, it will be removed from any column setups, views, mappings and completeness requirements.

When you need to remove an attribute definition, do the following:

  1. Find the relevant attribute definition e.g. by opening the relevant group from the left panel or by searching by clicking the magnifying glass (search) in the upper right corner.
  2. Hover the relevant attribute from the grid.
  3. Click the trashbin icon (Delete).
  4. Confirm removal by clicking Delete in the pop-up.