Assets module

You can manage assets if you have the System admin, PIM admin, PIM write or DAM write role. If you have the DAM read role, you can view asset information.



The Assets module provides a comprehensive overview of assets and is a powerful tool for efficient asset management.

Open the module by selecting Assets from the main navigation bar. The page is divided into 3 main parts; the Filters/Views panel to the left, the assets grid, and when an asset is opened, the Details panel to the right.

Asset details panel

When clicking an asset from the grid, the details panel is opened on the right-hand side. See the following sections for details about each tab.

Details tab

The Details tab presents main information about the asset. Most of this information is not editable: 

  • Asset name: The given name of the asset.
  • Description: A text describing the asset.
  • Asset labels: Labels added to the asset.
  • Availability: The state of the asset:
    • Public: Available for publishing in channels.
    • Automatic: This is the default state when an asset is added to the DAM. The asset will be available for publishing in channels when linked product is published.
    • Internal: Only for internal use. Will never be published.
  • File name: The original file name of the asset.
  • File type: The type of asset. The different types supported are 'Image', 'Audio', 'Video', 'Document', 'Text' and 'Other'.
  • File size: The size of this asset.
  • Dimensions: The width and height of this asset in pixels.
  • Added date: The date when the asset was uploaded to the DAM.
  • Added by: The user who added the asset.

Products tab

The Products tab presents any products currently linked to this asset.

Do the following to link the asset to a product:

  1. Click the plus icon (Add to product):

  2. The Select products page is presented. Assign and/or unassign products by selecting/deselecting. To find relevant products more easily, you can utilize Categories, Filters, Views and the search function:


  3. Optionally click Review to get an overview of your selections before moving on with the operation.

  4. Click Save to assign and/or unassign products.

    Categories tab

    The Categories tab presents any catalogs/categories currently linked to this asset.

    Do the following to link the asset to a catalog/category:

    1. Click the pencil icon (Edit categories).

    2. The Add asset to categories page is presented. Link and/or unlink catalogs/categories by selecting/deselecting:

    3. Click Save changes when you are done.

      Versions tab

      All versions of the asset are listed in this tab.

      Do the following to add a new version:

      1. Click the plus icon (Add new version).

      2. The Add new version of asset window is presented. You can add a file in two ways:
        1. Click Select file to browse file locations to find the relevant asset.
        2. Drag-n-drop the relevant file into the marked area.

          Note: The maximum file size is 128 MB.

      3. Click Ok when you are done.
      The newly uploaded asset will be added as the Current version, and the former current version will be available in the versions list.

      Download asset version

      To download an asset version, hover the relevant asset and click the arrow button:

      Restore asset version

      To roll back a previous asset version to make it the current one, hover the relevant asset and click the restore bin button:

      The restored version will be copied so that the historic version is kept as is, and the copy becomes the current version.

      Asset actions

      Click the 3-dots menu in the upper right corner of the details panel to access actions as described in the following sections.


      Add version

      Lets you add a new version of the asset. Please see Versions tab for details.
      All versions can be found in the Versions tab.


      Opens a large preview of the current asset version.



      Lets you download the current asset version. It's also possible to download previous asset versions, please see Download asset version.


      Allows you to create a copy of the asset. The text "(Cloned)" will be appended to the new asset's name. The new asset will not be linked to any product or category.

      Tip! To easier find newly added assets, select sorting by Latest in the upper right corner.

      Copy public and static link

      Once an asset is made Public, you can copy a public or static link to the asset. A static link will always open the current (latest) version of the asset.



      The option to delete an asset is only available if the Availability is Internal or Automatic. This means that you are not allowed to delete Public assets.


      Select a product from the category or filter product will appear to filter which product will be added to selected assets.