Log in & password

The Bluestone PIM login page consists of a few main elements. The first is the login form, which prompts you to enter your email address and password to access your account. There may also be additional fields for two-factor authentication or other security measures. The page may also include links to reset a forgotten password or create a new account.

Your login credentials will be provided by either your Bluestone PIM Admin or Project Manager at Bluestone PIM.

How to use

To log in to Bluestone PIM, navigate to the login page in your desired environment: either TEST or PRODUCTION.

  1. https://app.bluestonepim.com
  2. https://app.test.bluestonepim.com

How to login

  • Navigate to the Bluestone PIM login page.
  • Enter your email address in the Email field.
  • Enter your password in the Password field.
  • If two-factor authentication is enabled, provide a verification code.
  • Click the Login button.
  • You will be directed to the Bluestone PIM dashboard, where you can begin using the tool.

Key points

When using the Bluestone PIM login page, remember:

  • Use strong and unique passwords
  • Enable two-factor authentication
  • Only access the page from a secure and trusted device
  • Be aware of security alerts and take action if unauthorized access is suspected 
If you have forgotten your password, enter your email, click Continue, and then click Forgot password? on the login page.

If the password is not reset, and the email does not appear in your inbox, contact Support.