User management

You need to be given explicit access to manage users.
Managed roles having this permission: System admin and PIM admin.


Create a user    Edit a user 

Activate/deactivate a user



Every user that should utilize Bluestone PIM needs to be registered. Bluestone PIM separates its users into two categories; standard and restricted.

  • Standard user: The user is limited by the roles assigned, but has no restrictions in terms of Bluestone PIM content data like products, attributes, relations and categories.
  • Restricted user: The user is limited by the roles assigned but needs to be linked to one/more policies to get access to Bluestone PIM content. Without a policy assigned, the restricted user will not have access to any content. 

When setting up a user, you need to know if this user should have access to all content (standard) or limited content (restricted). Then the relevant role(s) and (if restricted) policy(ies) are assigned.

Select Settings | Users from the main navigation bar to manage your organization's users. Any existing users are presented:

Click a user to open its details panel. See the following sections for information about each tab.

Tip! By grouping users having the same set of roles together, access management will be easier. Please see User groups management for details.

Details tab

Contains the user's Name and Email. The user Type and the Groups the user is a member of are also presented. Please see Edit a user on how to edit.

Tasks tab

Presents any tasks assigned to the user or a user group the user is a member of. Please see Create a new task for user and Assign existing task to user on how to edit.

Tip! Please also see Create a task for information on how users can work with their tasks.

Roles tab

Presents the user's roles. Every user needs to be given at least one role in order to use Bluestone PIM. A user can be given one/more Personal roles. If the user is a member of a group, one/more roles can be inherited from these groups.

Each role has a set of permissions inherited by the users who hold this role. Please see Edit roles of a user on how to edit.

Tip! Please also see Assign permissions to a role for more details.

Policies tab

Presents connected policies for restricted users. Restricted users need to be connected to one/more policies to be able to access PIM contents like catalogs and attributes. Please see Edit policies for a restricted user on how to edit.

Tip! Please see Roles and policies management and Assign permissions to a policy for more information.

Personalized Product Editor Setup tab

Presents the user's Personalized product editor (PPE) configuration. Users that should utilize the PPE need to be given access to a catalog/category, context etc. to be able to access PIM contents. Please see Edit the PPE setup for a user on how to edit.

Tip! Please see Get started with PPE for details about the setup.


Create a user

Do the following to create a new user:

  1. Click the plus icon (Add new user) in the upper right corner. The following window is presented:

  2. Enter the user's Name and Email address.
  3. Optionally add the user as member to one/more Groups.
  4. Select the Type of user; Standard or Restricted.
    1. Standard user
      The user is limited by the roles assigned, but has no restrictions in terms of Bluestone PIM content data like products, attributes, categories and relations.
    2. Restricted user
      The user is limited by the roles assigned, but needs one/more policies assigned in addition. A policy gives the user access to content. Without a policy assigned, the restricted user doesn't have access to any content.
  5. Assign the relevant User roles by clicking the plus icon.
    Roles can also be assigned/unassigned when editing the user at a later stage.
  6. Click Save when you are done.

The user is now created and an invite to Bluestone PIM is sent to him by email. The user stays in Pending status until he has accepted the invite and logged into PIM. Once logged in, the user status is switched to Active.

Note! Please go to Edit policies for a restricted user for information on how to give restricted users access to PIM contents.


Edit a user

Do the following to edit an existing user:

  1. Optionally use the Search function to find the relevant user:

  2. Click the relevant user from the grid to open its details panel.
  3. If applicable, change the user Type and assign/unassign Groups from the Details tab:

  4. Go to any other applicable tab to edit information.

Please see the following sections for details.

Create new task for user

Once the user is created, you can assign tasks to him. To create a new task, do the following:

  1. Go to the Tasks tab and click the plus icon (Add new task) in the upper right corner. The following window is presented:

  2. Specify a suitable Name for the task.
  3. Add a task Description.
  4. Select relevant Context.
  5. Specify a Due date, optionally with a specific time of day.
  6. Select whether the task should be Private (only visible for the user) or Public (visible to all users).
  7. Click Save.

The task has now been created and is available in the Tasks module for the user/visible for all users.

Assign existing task to user

Once a user is created, you can assign tasks to him. To assign an existing task to the user, do the following:

  1. Go to the Tasks tab and click the arrow icon (Assign existing task). The following page is presented:

  2. Optionally use the Filters to find relevant task(s).
  3. Select one/more tasks from the grid.
  4. Click Save.
The selected task(s) are now assigned to the user and are available in the Tasks module for the user.

Edit roles of a user

Go to the Roles tab.

To add a role, click the plus icon (Add role) in the upper right corner. Optionally search for a role/filter the list by entering one/more characters. Click the role's name to add it:

Tip! Please see Assign permissions to a role for more information.

To remove a Personal role, click the icon (Remove) to the right of the relevant role. Confirm by selecting Remove in the pop-up.

Note: It's not possible to remove a role inherited from a group the user is a member of. If the user should not have such a role, the user must be removed from the group. Please see User groups management for details.


Edit policies for a restricted user

Go to the Policies tab.

To add a policy, click the plus icon (Add policy) in the upper right corner. Optionally search for a policy/filter the list by entering one/more characters. Click the policy's name to add it:

Tip! Please see Assign permissions to a policy for more information.

To remove a policy, click the icon (Remove) to the right of the relevant policy. Confirm the removal by selecting Remove in the pop-up.

Edit the PPE setup for a user

Go to the Personalized Product Editor Setup tab.

To edit one of the settings, click the pencil icon (Edit) for the relevant section. Make your changes and Save. 

To delete the PPE setup, click the trashbin icon (Delete) in the upper right corner. Confirm the removal by selecting Delete in the pop-up.

Activate/deactivate a user

Once a user is created, an invite to Bluestone PIM is sent by email. The user stays in Pending status until he has accepted the invite and logged into PIM. Once logged in, the user is Active.

You can activate/deactivate a user by:

a) Switching Status directly from the grid:

b) Switching Status from the user's Details panel:


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