Create and manage catalogs and categories

You must be given explicit permission to manage catalogs and categories.

Managed roles having this permission: System admin, PIM admin and PIM write


Create a new catalog    Add a new category

Edit a catalog/category    Catalog/category details panel

Delete a category    Archive a catalog    Restore a catalog      


For effective administration, it is recommended to invest time in designing the data model and constructing your catalog structure before populating it with products. Ensure the catalog structure aligns with your business needs and supports automated product management processes. It should accurately reflect your portfolio to facilitate efficient retrieval and maintenance of product information.

If you need assistance in defining the model, please contact us. We can provide guidance to help you get started with confidence.

Tip! You can establish multiple catalog structures that can be used for different channels.

Go to Settings | Catalogs and categories to start building your structure or view/manage the existing hierarchy:

You can easily change the order of catalogs, or categories within a catalog, by using drag-n-drop.

Note: A category cannot be moved from one catalog to another.



Create a new catalog

Do the following:

  1. Click the plus icon (Add catalog).
  2. Specify a name:
  3. Press [Enter] or click the green checkmark icon to save.
  4. Select the catalog from the list to open the Details panel:

  5. If needed, update the Name or Number, or add a Description.
  6. Click Update settings when you are done.

Please see Add a new category on how to proceed with adding categories to your catalog.

Add a new category

Do the following to add a category to a catalog, or a sub-category to a category:

  1. Hover the relevant catalog/category.
  2. Click the 3-dots menu and select Add category.

  3. Specify a name:
  4. Press [Enter] or click the green checkmark icon to save.
    Now the new category is presented in the structure.
  5. Select the category from the structure to optionally change the Name or Number, or to add a Description.
  6. Please see Details panel for information about the different tabs.
  7. Click Update settings when you are done.

Note! Category numbers need to be unique across catalogs.

Edit a catalog/category

Catalogs/categories can be edited from Settings | Catalogs and categories or from the Products page.

Do the following to edit a catalog or a category from the Products page:

  1. Select Categories in the left panel.
  2. Hover the relevant catalog/category, and click the pencil icon (Edit):
  3. The Details panel is opened to the right.
  4. Update information as required. Please see Details panel for more information.
  5. Click Update settings when you are done. 

Tip! Category-level attributes can be used to automatically assign attributes to every product within the category. See CLAs for details.


Catalog/category details panel

Details tab      Category level attributes (CLA) tab      Assets tab

Policies tab      History tab      Product sorter tab      Rules engine tab 

Details tab

The main information of the catalog/category is presented.

The ID is assigned by the system and cannot be edited. Edit the Name, Number and/or Description if needed. Click Update settings when you are done.

Category level attributes (CLA) tab

You can manage product attributes collectively instead of individually by assigning CLAs to a catalog/category. This will promote consistency and make you save a great amount of time creating content for your products.

Please see Category Level Attributes for details on how to work with CLAs.



Assets tab

You can manage assets for a catalog/category from the assets tab. 

  • Upload new asset
    Click Upload new and assign.

    The Add asset window is presented:

    Note: The maximum file size is 128MB.

    Drag-n-drop a file or click Select file to upload.
    Optionally give the asset a Name and Description. 
    • Assign asset from the library (DAM)
      Click Assign from library:

      The Assign assets to category page is presented:

      Use Filters/Views to find relevant assets.
      Select the assets to be linked to the catalog/category, and click Save.
    • Download assets
      You can download a single asset by clicking the 3-dots menu for the relevant asset, and selecting Download:

      You can download all assets assigned to the catalog/category by clicking the Download all button:
    • Unassign an asset
      You can unassign an asset from the catalog/category by clicking the 3-dots menu for the relevant asset, and selecting Unassign:

    Policies tab

    If your organization has defined 'Restricted users', connected policies will decide which elements these users can access and interact with. If no policies are linked, no restricted users can access this catalog/category. Please see Assign permissions to a policy for more information.

    You can restrict access to each catalog/category and/or the products residing in it by linking one/more policies.

    • Before linking any policies, it can be useful to get an overview of which products reside in this catalog/category. Click the arrow button (See products in category) to view these products in the grid:
    • You can restrict access For category and/or For products in category:

      Click the plus button (Assign a policy) and select a policy. For each policy, you need to specify whether the users connected to this policy should have Read or Write access.


    History tab

    This tab provides a searchable log of all modifications made within the catalog or category. 

    • Use the search function to quickly locate specific changes or review the sequence of modifications.

    Product sorter tab

    The product sorter helps you organize products within a chosen catalog or category. It provides a comprehensive list of all associated products, offering a centralized view for easy management.

    • Reorder products
      • Under the Product Sorter tab, you will find the list of products within the catalog or category.

      • Hover over any product, and Drag and drop.

      • Then drag the product to its new position in the list. 

    Rules engine tab

    You can access the Rules engine tab if you have the Rules engine read, Rules engine write or Plugin admin role.

    Products can be automatically assigned (and unassigned) to this catalog/category based on defined rules. These rules are set up and maintained in the Rules engine plugin.


    The following actions/options are available:

    • Create a new rule by clicking the plus button (Add new rule) in the upper right corner. This operation will route you to the Rules engine plugin. The 'Action', 'Context' and 'Target' will be pre-filled based on your current selections. Please see Assign to category for further details.
    • Once a category assignment rule is created, it is listed in the Rules engine tab. Hover a rule and click the 3-dots menu to access the following actions:
      • Activate/Deactivate
      • Edit
      • Duplicate
      • Delete
    Please see Actions for further details.

    Tip! Explore more automation possibilities by utilizing the Rules engine here.


    Delete a category

    Categories can be permanently removed. 

    Caution: It's not possible to restore a deleted category. All sub-categories will also be deleted. Assigned products will not be deleted, but will lose their link to the deleted catalog/categories. 

    Do the following to delete a category:

    1. Go to Settings | Catalogs and categories.
    2. Click the 3-dots menu next to the relevant category and select Delete:

    3. Click Delete in the pop-up to confirm removal.

    The category is now permanently deleted.


    Archive a catalog

    Catalogs can be archived and later restored if needed. It's not possible to permanently delete a catalog.

    Caution: All categories inside the catalog will also be archived. Assigned products will not be deleted, but will lose their link to the archived catalog/categories.

    Do the following to archive a catalog:

    1. Go to Settings | Catalogs and categories.
    2. Click the 3-dots menu next to the relevant catalog and select Archive.

    3. Click Archive in the pop-up to confirm archiving.
    The catalog is no longer visible in the UI.

    Restore a catalog

    Archived catalogs can be restored by using the API. The category/subcategory structure and any category level attributes (CLAs) will also be restored. Links to previously assigned products were removed upon archiving, and can therefore not be restored.

    See Public API reference for more information.


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