Create and manage catalogs and categories

You can manage catalogs and categories for your organization if you have the System admin or PIM admin role.

It is recommended to build up a well-thought-out catalog structure early on. It should reflect the portfolio in such a way that fetching and maintaining product information can be carried out efficiently.

Tip! You can establish multiple catalog structures that can be used for different channels.

You can easily change the order of catalogs and the order of categories within a catalog by using drag-n-drop.

Note: A category cannot be moved from one catalog to another.

Create a new catalog

Do the following:

  1. Go to Settings | Catalog and categories.

    Tip: You can also go to the Catalog and categories page from the Products page.


  2. Click the plus icon (Add catalog).

  3. Specify a name for your new catalog.
  4. Press [Enter] or click the green checkmark icon to save.
  5. Select the catalog from the list to optionally change the Name or Number, or to add a Description.

  6. Click Update settings when you are done.

Please see Add a new category on how to proceed with adding categories to your catalog.

Add a new category

Do the following to add a category to a catalog, or a sub-category to a category:

  1. Hover the relevant catalog/category.
  2. Click the 3-dots menu and select Add category.


  3. Specify a name for your new category.
  4. Press [Enter] or click the green checkmark icon to save.
    Now the new category is presented in the structure.
  5. Select the category from the structure to optionally change the Name or Number, or to add a Description.
  6. Please see Details panel for information about the different tabs.
  7. Click Update settings when you are done.

Note! Category numbers need to be unique across catalogs.

Edit a catalog/category

Do the following to edit a catalog or a category from the Products page:

  1. Select Categories in the left panel.
  2. Hover the relevant catalog/category, and click the pencil icon (Edit). 
    The details panel is opened to the right.

  3. Update as required. Please see Details panel for more information.
  4. Click Update settings when you are done. 

Tip! Using category-level attributes, you can define a set of attributes that will be automatically assigned to every product in a given category. 

Catalog/Categories details panel

When you click a catalog or category, the details panel is presented to the right. The panel is divided into the following tabs: 

Details      Category Level Attributes (CLA)      Media

Policies      History      Product sorter      Rules Engine 

Details tab

Under this tab, you can get an overview of your catalog ID, Name, Number, and Description in the details tab. 

  • Edit information: 
    • You can edit the information directly in the grid
    • Click on Name, enter new name
    • Click Update Settings

Category Level Attributes (CLA) tab

In the Category Level Attributes (CLA) tab, you can add attributes to the products within the category. 

    • Click the  icon to add an attribute to the catalog or category. 

Please note: You need to assign options to the CLAs. Learn more here Category Level Attributes Options

Attributes added in the category: 

    • The CLAs have 'Activate Propagation' activated, which means the attribute will affect all products in the category and all underlying subcategories. Learn more here Category Level Attributes

Attributes of the product: 

Tip! With CLAs, you can effectively manage product attributes. With the CLA, you can manipulate the attribute on the products.

Media tab

You can add assets to a catalog or category in the assets tab. 

  • Upload new asset
    • Click on the arrow to 'Upload new and assign.'

    • Drop a file or select a file to upload.

Please note! The maximum upload single file size is 128MB

    • Give the asset a name and description in the pop-up or inline edit once the asset is added to the catalog or category.  
    • You can download or unassign the asset in the catalog or category at any time. 

  • Assign assets from the library
    • Click on the  'Assign from library' button, which will show existing assets from the library.
    • Click on the assets that match the product. Then click Ok.

Policies tab

The policy tab is essential for restricting user access to PIM entities, ensuring that only authorized users can interact with the data. Policies serve as mechanisms for controlled access and usage.

  • Upload new asset
    • Click on the arrow to 'Assign a policy' either to the category or products in the category.

    • The policies that will show are what is set up under SettingsAccess Management

Read more about policies here. 

History tab

This tab provides a searchable log of all modifications made within the catalog or category. 
  • View history: 
    • Use the search function to quickly locate specific changes or review the sequence of modifications.

Product sorter tab

The product sorter helps you organize products within a chosen catalog or category. It provides a comprehensive list of all associated products, offering a centralized view for easy management.

  • Reorder products
    • Under the Product Sorter tab, you will find the list of products within the catalog or category.

    • Hover over any product, and Drag and drop.

    • Then drag the product to its new position in the list. 

Rules engine tab

You can access the Rules engine tab if you have the Rules engine read, Rules engine write or Plugin admin role.

Products can be automatically assigned to a catalog/category based on defined rules. These rules are set up and maintained in the Rules engine plugin.

Please see Rules engine for details.

The following actions/options are available:

  • Create a new rule by clicking the plus icon (Add new rule) in the upper right corner. This operation will route you to the Rules engine plugin and the page for setting up a new rule. The 'Action', 'Context' and 'Target' will be pre-filled based on your current selections. Please see Assign to category for further details.
  • Once a category assignment rule is created, it is listed in the Rules engine tab (ref. image above). Hover the relevant rule to access the following actions from the 3-dots menu. Please see Actions for further details.
    • Deactivate
    • Edit
    • Duplicate
    • Delete

Tip! Explore more automation possibilities by utilizing the Rules engine here.


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